Marijn Portret

Marijn Dijker

Business Consultant, Entrepreneur
& Choir singer

Utrecht, The Netherlands
info [at]

Design Studio

After graduating arts school in Utrecht, I started a design studio for product and interior design. Over the time of 4 years, I've designed and produced about a dozen products and made custom designs for national and international clients.

Event managing

When I met a bunch of passionate event managers during the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven (a big international, annual design event) I got the taste of event managing and executed this as a side hustle for almost 6 years. I never stopped combining jobs/projects because this keeps me sharp, and I like the variety.

Car leasing

So, it wouldn't take long for me to do a project for a car leasing company and after doing a few projects, that's where I felt at home. Having colleagues to work with, was the reason to switch. At some point I even coached (yes, I’m a bit surprised myself) a young team which tried to conquer the private lease market.

Business Consultant

After a merger with another leasing company, I joint IT as a Business Consultant. There is never a dull moment because of the complexity of the leasing product in combination with the complexity of IT systems.


Doing one job for one company, it wouldn't take long for me to feel an urge to combine jobs and so I started an e-commerce company on the side. And that is the current situation!

So, what about the choir singer part? That's a hobby of mine to relax and clear my head.